Areas of Treatment

Depression and Anxiety

Do not suffer in isolation and hopelessness. Anxiety and depression are very treatable conditions.

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Life Transitions

Life is full of change. If you're struggling with that change, a little therapy may be all you need to make the next chapter of your life the best one yet.

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Trauma and EMDR

Your trauma matters. You deserve to unload the pain you carry and find healing.

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Recovery from Toxic Relationships

Have you been in a romantic or family relationship that leaves you feeling confused, uncertain of yourself, and like everything is your fault? Is that relationship interfering with other friendships, your job, your sleep, and maybe even your health? You may be in a "toxic love relationship" or "toxic family relationship." Counseling can provide the education you need to recognize the traits and effects of such a relationship and the tools to break the cycle of interaction that always ends in you feeling off-kilter.

Post-Military Transitions to Civilian Life

Military life has its difficulties, but the camaraderie and sense of greater purpose are some its greatest rewards. Transitioning into civilian life can be a lonely, frustrating journey.

We all love seeing the reunion videos online, but after all of the hugs and kisses, there is so much more to family reintegration than just being happy to be together again.

Treatment for First Responders

First Responders see themselves as the people who help others in crisis, so it is a tough about-face for them to be the ones asking for help. It's a blow to their egos and sometimes their identities. But the very nature of their jobs—working under pressure, making life-and-death decisions, seeing the worst of humanity, and being Monday morning quarterbacked—make maintaining emotional well-being incredibly difficult. Emergency responder: There's no shame in asking for help with any part of your health. You wouldn't try to take out your tonsils; you would seek expert assistance from a qualified professional. Why is your mental wellness any different?

Chronic Mental Illness

Chronic mental illnesses, like chronic physical illnesses, can be managed with a good treatment plan. Counseling with proper medication is generally accepted to be the best approach to live a full life, despite the illness.


Grief is a personal journey of sadness, loss, and adjustment to a new normal. It is most often associated with death, but grief can also occur in situations such as breakup/divorce, job loss, empty nest, and retirement.

Life Crises

A crisis is any event which exceeds a person's ability to cope. That event may seem overwhelming, but you can learn to manage your reaction and emotions, which will then help you solve the problem.


Solution Focused Brief Therapy

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a short term treatment approach that focuses on a person’s present and future goals instead of past issues.

Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling combines elements of the Christian faith with psychology and counseling principles to improve clients’ mental health and relationships. A strong and resilient faith can be an important coping tool to navigate life’s changes and challenges, and there is no reason that a client has to discard that in the counseling process.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR) is a therapy in which disturbing memories are reprocessed to reduce the distress associated with the memories and allow healthier functioning.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based approach for many different concerns such as anxiety and depression. CBT focuses on challenging unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors to improve emotional regulation and self-awareness. A summary of CBT is “change the way you think to change the way you feel.”

Couples Counseling

Being in a romantic relationship can be a source of great joy and fulfillment, but also frustration and disappointment. Counseling helps both partners examine how they contribute to the satisfaction and stress in their relationship and build skills that enhance the partnership.

Narrative Therapy

Narrative Therapy helps people understand and explore the stories they believe about themselves, their past, and their future. This type of therapy helps clients identify and separate those unhelpful stories from who they are, examine them more objectively, and then create new stories to guide the future.