Young Adults

Being a young adult often involves an immense amount of stress to figure out who you are and what you want in your life. The people who love us the most may add to that stress with questions and expectations, making it hard to turn to them for help. You may feel overwhelmed by the many choices ahead of you.

Young adults face several common struggles: They feel disillusioned by the reality of “adulting.” They are worn out from making so many decisions. They feel jaded or even hopeless about the current employment, cost of living, and general economic situation. Finally, they have anxiety about “am I doing all of this right?” and “what if someone finds out that I do not know what I’m doing?”

Fortunately, young adults do know that reaching out for help… well, helps. Therapy can help put things into perspective, reduce negative self-talk, and provide ways to cope with ongoing stressors. If you feel like you are experiencing a “quarter-life crisis,” do not hesitate to reach out. While therapy is not a quick fix or instant gratification, the relief of symptoms and renewed perspective is often well worth the hard work and can provide coping tools for years to come.